#Artist #SiBollé ©SiBollé citizen of the world. It’s all about ❤️ #joyforever #FloweringLoveForLife and #letspoppytup❣️
Si Bollé
For three decades Si Bollé is working as a self-taught artist. Fragility and beauty of life is expressed especially in painting although it is not her sole medium. She uses also photography and film, organizes solo performances on demand of individuals and companies, makes glass objects, prints silk scarves and has written, illustrated and edited a bilingual children’s book.
The metamorphosis of the poppy, the reflections of sunlight on water, the world of clouds and shadows inspire the artist in making various works in series so to deepen her sources of inspiration and explore the many aspects of her artistic world.
In one of her former series, Petals, Si Bollé studied meticulously the metamorphosis of a poppy petal as through the lens of a microscope. These petals return in her work forming part of a choreography of mist, haze and wind in a setting of air and water. They dance and whirl in their special element, doubled by the water surface, or frolic in the air, printed on silk scarves, playing with the gaze of the spectator staring into the infinity of air and water…
Si Bollé
Symbol bv
Zwarte-Brugstraat 2
B- 3560 Linkhout - Lummen
T: +32(0)488 177 408
BTW: BE0476.747.377